Saturday, September 15, 2007

Gotta love Japan

Just came across one of the Japanese TV shows called human tetris!!!
It is so wickedly cool... I wonder how come we never get anything like this in western world??

And at the end of the day this is not the only brilliant funny TV show out of Japan... for those who remember Takeshi Castle!! and there have been many more but how come most never make it western world?? I even heard that they wanted to Takeshi castle remake in UK or maybe it was US and it was forbidden because it neglected safety issues!!! I must say it might not be the safest of the shows... but it is not like all the landing places are with spikes and errors carry death penalty or mutilation... I mean common... why not let have sensible adults have some fun?? No wonder that people are getting fat as it seems that all the physical activities have become unsafe unless u are a professional.. and so all people can do is be couch potatoes and eat and get fat.... dammit!!!

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