Wednesday, September 19, 2007

USB 3.0 comming

This is going to be so good..
They are planing to have speeds 10x those of today where you would bet 4.8GBit/s which sound to be just awesome...
I mean 2.0 is not that bad, but at the same time when I found out that my external HD have to be reformatted in ntfs ... backing that bitch up was a pain... 250 GB ... backed up on my friends external... well lets just say that we had enough time to go watch a movie and it still wasn't done... I mean there is default Windows function to go from fat32 to ntfs without loosing data... but just in case backup took so bloody long so i really hope that this new 3.0 come soon... before i get my new laptop... it was stated that it will be finalized by mid 2008 and devices in '09 but i hope the devices start appear earlier.. I do not want to wait that long.. :D
Here is just another problem right here... so it is said that speed is 480MBit/s on current one... but a 700MB movie more then 40 sec to copy so there is some discrepancies in the speeds and I am concerned that it might be due to read/write speeds on both ends of the storage... so this brings me to the ultimate question - what is the point? I can see it being used in some type of arrays but at the end of the day how will this benefit regular user in near future??

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