Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pretty things...

Looks are starting to become more and more important for everything that we use. At this time I want to look at different computer hardware and see how much does it really matter... well in my opinion at least!

Most visible part of any system is the case .. it goes for desktops and laptops... and it seems that HP is going all in.. releasing new - great looking cases for both markets.. And I bet this will benefit them a lot as for sales go, because many people out there that are not that tech savvy will go for the better looking one and this is where early models will win big. If we look at Dell... it can offer good quality, great performance at a good price, but this is what it lacks... the image of being cool... good looking.. and that one extra thing - tangibility before purchase. I know few people that have bought their laptops on how they look rather then what is inside them...
Although ascetics are important I somehow feel that people are just being blindsided here... look at my similar article about marketing bluff.. If for laptops I can see a relative need good looks, especially if one travels a lot, then for power houses and desktops I hardly see the need for it... I might be terribly wrong here but I believe that majority of us that have desktops keep them under the table and therefore they are not visible... so what is the point of having a groovy looking one if no one will really see it... and well of those of us who keep it actually on the desk or whatever... I suppose it will bring some fun once in a while... maybe sometimes you can even show it off to your friend or two.. :D
So at some point it is nice to have a good looking case, but what about the insides of it?
laptops are not meant to be opened so there is not much good looks there... but when it comes to graphics cards for desktops... well that is whole different story... most of us will never open the case and if you are a moder... well my guess is that you will keep the case closed most of the time and let the cooling system work its magic... so why do we need shiny looking gfx cards? I mean, hell, if you end up shelling out 600+ bucks for one of the top end cards.... you are clearly into how it performs rather that what is on it... and the vendors could save some money on it..
But I suppose it is also the first impression that counts and when you get a great looking shiny new card out of the box... u might not care any more how it performs - U are sold on the looks... maybe

Just on a footnote - HP seems to be the one diving in this most heavily with different models and all but it is not the only vendor doing so as Sony cases look pretty good as well as LG's.I believe others will follow soon and Apple will no longer be the only kool kid on bloc!!!

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